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Support the CHIREC group

The CARE Foundation

The CARE Foundation is a non-profit organization that was created in 2004 under the initiative of doctors and patients of the CHIREC.

Its main purpose is to support researchers in their desire to innovate.

For further information about the Care Foundation, or if you wish to give financial support to the scientific research, click here.


The CHIRAN Foundation

The CHIRAN Foundation was founded in 2012 to stimulate and promote the continuing education of nurses of the CHIREC group.

For more information or if you want to provide any financial support for the training of the nursing staff, click here.


Humanitarian Missions


A hospital group such as CHIREC has a significant number of doctors and nursing staff, whose main purpose is to treat the population.

Beyond this, there is every year more volunteers willing to participate in our missions that are part of the values of CHIREC since 2011.

For more information about the humanitarian medical and surgical missions, or if you want to give financial support, click here.