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The multidisciplinary centres

Multiple Sclerosis Clinic

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and degenerative neurological disease of the central nervous system.

It generally starts between the age of 20 and 40. The cause is still unknown, even though certain factors of risk have been identified.

It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 patients with MS in Belgium.

Our specialists and paramedics


Why is there a Multiple Sclerosis Clinic?

According to the recommendations of the European Academy of Neurology, the treatment for patients with MS requires a specific care in a multidisciplinary centre given the complexity of the pathology and its treatments.

We actually think that patients with MS should benefit from medical and paramedical care that is frequently updated and fully personalised.


Personalised care

At the MS Clinic, we aim to offer our patients a personalised care, according to the following priority areas:

  • Promote early diagnosis
  • Allow patients to access every existing therapy at the right moment
  • Select the best therapeutic strategies
  • Place the patient at the centre of our concerns and consult them regarding the mangement of their disease
  • Put emphasis on information, support and guidance
  • Offer close surveillance and minimise the inherent risks of immunotherapies
  • Scrupulously evaluate the efficacy of the treatment prescribed
  • Contribute to pharmacovigilance ('drugs safety')
  • Ensure continuous follow-up
  • Help with the daily management of the disease
  • Create care paths with specialized caregivers
  • Integrate their skills
  • Facilitate access to external administrative and social support
  • Improve professional and social reintegration in the interest of physical, psychological and cognitive comfort


The team

The multidisciplinary team, that comprises neurologists, psychologists, a sex therapist, physiotherapists, uro-gynaecological physiotherapists, speech therapists, and nurses, offers a holistic patient care from the earliest to the most advanced stages.

It is a real care pathway from diagnosis to rehabilitation, including high-activity of immunotherapy.

Every patient is unique and requires specific and personalised care.


Multidisciplinary team

  • Dr Mathieu VOKAER - Head of the MS Clinic
  • Coralie DELADRIERE - Coordinator


  • Dr Dominique BOUCQUEY
  • Dr Anne DEPRE
  • Pr Jean-Michel GUERIT
  • Dr Donatienne VEROUGSTRAETE
  • Dr Mathieu VOKAER

Technical and paramedical team

  • Coralie DELADRIÈRE - Psychologist and sex therapist specialized in MS
  • Sophie CARLIER - Physiotherapist (swimmingpool)
  • Alicia DEMUYSER - Physiotherapist
  • Florent EVRARD - Physiotherapist
  • Marie-Ange GEORGES - EEG/Event-Related-Potential technician
  • Pauline HARDY - Physiotherapist
  • Kanté HATOUMATAN - Physiotherapist
  • Sandra KORCZYK - Physiotherapist
  • Dominique LIO - EEG/Event-Related-Potential technician
  • Julie PAULET - Social services
  • Claire PETERMANS - Occupational therapist
  • Corinne RASKINET - EEG/Event-Related-Potential technician
  • Stéphanie RENARD - Physiotherapist (swimmingpool)
  • Nathalie VANDERVENNET - EEG/Event-Related-Potential technician

Physical rehabilitation

  • Dr Michel GOOSSENS - Medical Doctor specialized in physical rehabilitation

Our values

Our fundamental values are:

  • Personalised medicine
  • Excellence in routine clinical practices
  • The quality of our interaction with patients, their partners and their referring doctors
  • Access to the best care for every patient, provided at the right moment and by the right caregiver
  • Ongoing induction of new scientific recommendations and constant updating of mangement protocols
  • Team spirit


Our services

Currently multi-sites and soon centralised at the Delta Hospital in Auderghem, the MS Clinic offer an integrated care mangement, overseen by specialists.

  • Neurology (MS expert validated according to the criteria of the INAMI)
  • Access to every type of immunotherapy avalaible in Belgium
  • Neurophysiology
  • Psychology (expertise in psychopathology of neurological conditions)
  • Sex therapy
  • Taking care of intravenous treatments at the hospital during day hospitalisation
  • Out-patient physiotherapy
  • Aquagym
  • In-patient rehabilitation

Alongside care management, the MS Clinic offer activities that are entirely dedicated to the patients and their partners



MS Consultations (neurology, psychology and sex therapy)

Delta Hospital - 1st floor

Bld du Triomphe 201 - 1160 Auderghem (Brussels)

Phone: +32 2 434 81 04

EEG, EMG, Event-Related-Potential

Delta Hospital - 1st floor

Bld du Triomphe 201 - 1160 Auderghem (Brussels)

Phone: +32 2 434 81 04
Physiotherapists specialized in MS & Hydrotherapy

Delta Hospital - 1st floor

Bld du Triomphe 201 - 1160 Auderghem (Brussels)

Phone: +32 2 434 81 07

Delta Hospital - 1st floor

Bld du Triomphe 201 - 1160 Auderghem (Brussels)

Phone: +32 2 434 87 77

Social services

Delta Hospital - Ground floor

Phone: +32 2 434 80 72

Physical rehabilitation units

Delta Hospital - 4th floor (Wings A & B)

Phone: +32 2 434 87 77 (consultations)

Phone: +32 2 434 84 01 (hospitalization - wing A)

Phone: +32 2 434 84 11 (hospitalization - wing B)

Pharmacy Phone: +32 2 434 12 23