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Sensory and psychomotor awareness workshops for young children






For young children: from walking to 2 and a half years old

By a psychomotrician

  • Saturdays (see dates below) from 10am to 11.30am
  • Delta Hospital - 4th floor - Door 4E
  • 25 euros (registration valid for one child and one parent)

Through motor expression and the pleasure of movement, children are invited to experience themselves, to express their inner world and their feelings, fears and difficulties.

With the supportive guidance of the psychomotor therapist, they can reappropriate certain stages in their development and experience, and relive their experiences in a safe environment.

In this way, children learn about their bodies, their potential and their limits, and are able to express their emotions in direct relation to their psychomotor explorations.

This group helps children develop their interpersonal skills and learn to assert themselves, while respecting each child's individuality.


Regsitration is required 

These workshops are held in French only


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