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Braine-l’Alleud site

Rue Wayez, 35
1420 Braine l'Alleud

EMERGENCY : 02 434 93 21
Delta site

Boulevard du Triomphe, 201
1160 Bruxelles

EMERGENCY : 02 434 88 00
Ste-Anne St-Remi site

Boulevard Jules Graindor, 66
1070 Bruxelles

EMERGENCY : 02 434 30 63

Sensory and psychomotor awareness workshops for babies

A toddler's first experiences of life shape his developing brain.

Because of its rapid growth, the way we support it in movement and sensations will be decisive for its future health and well-being.

During this workshop, together you will find the gestures and different postures that will facilitate your baby's harmonious sensory, psychological and motor development.

You will also learn how to avoid positional problems such as plagiocephaly or brachycephaly (flat head).

Discover the importance of paediatric physiotherapy